Gambling involves putting something of value, such as money or a possession, on the outcome of an event that is determined by chance. The event can be anything from a football match to a scratchcard. The gambler will be matched to a ‘odds’ set by the gambling company, which determines how much they could win if they were successful.
This is an addictive activity that can lead to serious financial problems and personal crises for individuals, families and communities. It can also cause damage to mental health and well-being, relationships, performance at work or school and even lead to homelessness. It can also make people feel miserable and depressed and contribute to low self-esteem.
Most gambling is done for fun, but some people become addicted to the thrill of it and can’t stop. It’s important to understand why someone might choose to gamble so that you can help them find more productive ways to cope with stress and unpleasant feelings.
There are four main reasons why a person might gamble. For social reasons – to have fun with friends or family. For coping reasons – to forget their worries or to escape from a stressful life. For a sense of accomplishment – winning money is a great feeling. For a sense of belonging – casinos encourage people to think they’re part of an exclusive group by promoting status and specialness. For a sense of control – people who are anxious or depressed might feel a sense of power when they place a bet.
When a person gambles, the brain releases dopamine, which is a chemical that makes you feel excited and happy. This chemical change in the brain is similar to the effect of taking drugs. But unlike drugs, which only produce the feeling of excitement when you win, gambling can continue to stimulate dopamine even if you lose. This can be particularly difficult for people who have a history of addiction or mental health issues.
Studies of gambling have tended to focus on the economic benefits and costs. However, societal and community level impacts are not measured or recognised. These include the effects of gambling on quality of life, relationships and social capital, which can be more significant than the monetary benefits and costs.