Automobiles are powered by a motor and are driven on roads for passenger transport. Generally they have four wheels and can seat one to eight people. They are propelled by internal combustion engines fueled with volatile fuels. They are the most widely used type of vehicle in the world today. They are also a source of pollution that contributes to global climate change. The development of automobiles has had profound effects on the economy and society.
The history of the automobile is a complex story that begins with Leonardo da Vinci drawing designs for vehicles in the 15th century. By the end of the 1700s and beginning of the 1800s manufacturers were developing steam and electric powered automobiles. However these early cars were very primitive and had many shortcomings. It wasn’t until Karl Benz invented the first gas powered car in 1885 that the modern automobile really began to take off.
Almost every aspect of modern life would be impossible without the automobile. People can move to work and school quickly and easily, shopping can be done on the weekends, people can travel far distances for recreation and family visits, and so on. The automobile has revolutionized the way people live, and for this reason it is one of the most important inventions in human history.
While the technology existed for the automobile as early as the 1700s and 1800s it was not until Henry Ford brought it to market using assembly line production that it became widely available. This greatly reduced the price of the car making it affordable to middle class families.
The automobile has impacted many other aspects of life as well. For example, before the automobile, most people lived within a few miles of where they grew up as it was expensive and time consuming to move even a short distance. The automobile allowed people to live further away from where they grew up and this led to the rise of suburbs.
There are many different types of automobiles and the design of each is dependent upon a number of factors. Generally speaking, a car should be safe and reliable, with an engine that produces good horsepower at low to mid speeds. A good braking system is essential, as are good tires that can hold their own against road debris and weather conditions. A comfortable ride for passengers is also important and good air conditioning is a must. Clear visibility is essential for safety and the body of a car should have a variety of glass areas.
The history of the automobile is a fascinating one that spans over centuries and countless inventors. Who actually invented the first true automobile is a debate that continues to this day. Earlier accounts often credited the German Inventor Karl Benz with creating the first automobile in 1885 or 1886 but there is considerable evidence that other people played a role in its creation. It is likely that the automobile will continue to shape our lives and the way we do business for decades to come.