Generally, law is a set of rules or regulations that govern behaviour. Laws are enforceable by governmental institutions and social organisations. Often described as the art of justice, law is also sometimes referred to as the science of law.
Civil law
Essentially, civil law is a form of legal system that governs disputes between private individuals, companies, and other organizations. It covers matters such as property damage, fraud, medical malpractice, and breach of contract. It also defines the rights and obligations of private organizations and government entities.
In contrast to criminal law, civil law is based on rules and regulations. Almost all civil law systems are codified. A law code is a collection of interrelated articles, or general rules, which explain the basic legal mechanisms in a systematic way.
Common law
Developed in England in the Middle Ages, common law is a legal system based on the opinions and interpretations of judicial authorities. It is based on a number of sources including court decisions, statutes, and court rulings.
In England, common law is applied by the Common Pleas and the King’s Bench. In the United States, the Common Law is applied by state courts.
A common law marriage is one in which two people have a mutual agreement to marry, and do so. It is also a marriage where both parties are legally of the same age, and there is no religious ceremony involved.
Criminal law
Unlike civil law, which deals with private disputes, criminal law is aimed at punishing offenders. It is a body of law that is used to define crimes, determine the punishments for them, and to provide rehabilitative and reparative treatments for offenders.
Criminal law is usually viewed as a set of rules and regulations that protect the rights and interests of individuals, while also defining obligations of a society. There are differences in how these rules are enforced in different jurisdictions.
Consumer law
Whether you’re looking for a product or service to purchase, or you’re in the market for a new home, consumer law protects you from unscrupulous sellers and companies. It’s designed to protect you from fraud, deceptive advertising, and other unfair business practices.
Consumer law is a government-regulated contract law that governs a wide range of consumer transactions. It includes everything from home buying to investment and personal loans. There are also several forms of dispute resolution that can help you settle any problems.
The rule of law
Among the most fundamental and important ideals in political tradition is the rule of law. It has been a key ideal in political theory for millennia. Its central meaning is that of equality before the law. It is a political ideal that demands that people in authority exercise power within well-established public norms.
In practice, rule of law requires laws to be promulgated well in advance of individual responsibility and to be publicly disclosed. This makes power less arbitrary and less peremptory.