An automobile is a self-propelled vehicle used for travel on land. It consists of four wheels, an engine (or motor) and a chassis or body. It is designed to carry two to six passengers and a limited amount of cargo. It is usually smaller than a truck, which is designed for the transportation of goods, or a bus, which is used to transport large numbers of passengers.
Automobiles are powered by internal combustion engines that burn a liquid fuel, such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), to make them run. The engine’s power is transferred to the wheels through a transmission system. An automobile can also be powered by an electric motor.
The first automobiles were produced in Europe during the late 1700s and early 1800s. They were heavy and moved very slowly, but they were a great leap forward over horse-drawn carriages. Some were even able to make it up hills. Later, manufacturers developed cars that were powered by steam or electricity. Electric cars worked well but were slow and needed to be recharged regularly. Steam-powered cars were heavier than gasoline vehicles, but they ran more slowly and required water that had to be brought to a boil before the car could move.
During the 1920s, the automobile became one of the most powerful forces for change in twentieth-century America. It was the lifeblood of a new consumer goods-oriented society, and it revolutionized many ancillary industries such as steel and petroleum. The automotive industry accounted for one out of every six jobs in the nation, and it became the largest purchaser of most industrial products.
By the 1950s, the automobile had become a fixture of modern American life. It was almost universally owned, and most families had more than one. The automobile was a symbol of freedom, independence and wealth.
However, the automobile had a darker side as well. The industry’s high unit profits led to questionable aesthetic decisions that sacrificed economy and safety, while the increasing use of imported oil threatened to drain dwindling world reserves.
In addition, the automobile has become a major source of air pollution and congestion. As a result, in recent decades there has been a movement toward smaller, more fuel-efficient automobiles.
For some people, owning a car is the most important aspect of a good lifestyle. A vehicle allows you to go anywhere and take your family with you. You can take your children to the park and other places, as well as give them a ride to school. A car is also a way to get away from the stressful city traffic and enjoy the fresh air of the countryside. In addition, a car gives you a sense of security that you cannot get from public transportation. The safety of your family is a top priority for most parents, and owning a car ensures that you can keep them safe on the road.